Picture Charades for Preschoolers
Sometimes it can be difficult for eager preschool aged children to enjoy family game time, because they can't yet read. One way we found to include our little ones was to create Picture Charade Cards. We found pictures of animals in old magazines, cut them out, and and glued them to index cards. But the pictures don't have to be of animals and you may find it easier to find them online, print, and cut them out. You could also write the word on the card to encourage word recognition, but the picture itself is what makes it possible for the child to get to independently participate by acting it out.
Now everyone can play, whether they are able to read or not. If you are playing a game that is too mature for your little one, just pull out the stack of cards, and let that child draw one and act it out for their turn. That way they get to be part of the fun, too, without sacrificing the rules of the selected game. Have fun!
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