Resurrection Roll Recipe

Fun and tasty! We make these Resurrection Rolls almost every Easter as a reminder of Jesus' death and resurrection. This year, we made them while my mom and dad were visiting. The rolls represent the tomb (which will be hollow/empty after they have baked) and the ingredients tie into the Bible. This is a great activity for the family or a ministry program.

First, Landon and I set out all the ingredients and called everyone to the table. Next, I demonstrated each step and explained how the ingredient reflected the Biblical account. Then everyone made their roll assembly-line-style, and we placed them in the oven. While they were baking, we listened to a favorite song about Jesus being a live. When the rolls were done and and still warm, we broke open our rolls and shouted "Jesus is alive!"

  • Marshmallows (original size) -
  • Butter (melted)
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Crescent Rolls from a can
    1. Take one Marshmallow - it represents Jesus’ body after the crucifixion. 
    2. Roll marshmallow in Melted Butter - the butter represents the oil for his burial. 
    3. Roll buttered marshmallow in Sugar and in Cinnamon - these ingredients represent the spices for his burial. 
    4. Wrap in a Crescent Roll, being sure to seal around the marshmallow - the dough represents the tomb and closing it well reminds us that the soldiers guarded the tomb. 
    5. Bake in oven according to crescent roll package directions. Listen to an appropriate song or read the account while waiting for them to bake, if you like.
    6. Break open the roll/tomb! Jesus isn’t here, He is alive!
